2012-2015 Initiator and coordinator in cooperation with Humboldt University (Berlin), University of London, University of Oslo, Columbia University (New York), University of Ghent (Belgium) of project ‘Interdisciplinary Innovations in the Study of Religion and Gender: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives’, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research as part of their program ‘Internationalisation in the Humanities’
2012-2015 Co-initiator of the NOSTER funded interdisciplinary research project ‘Iconoclashes: Interferences of Gender, Politics, Religion and Art in the Pussy Riot Case’ (2012-2014).
2012-2014 Initiator and coordinator in cooperation with prof. dr. Heleen Zorgdrager (Protestant Theological University, Amsterdam) and dr. Katya Tolstaya (VU University, Amsterdam) of the interdisciplinary NOSTER funded research project ‘Iconoclashes: Interferences of Gender, Politics, Religion and Art in the Pussy Riot Case’
2011-2012 Chair of the preparatory committee of the research program ‘Religion in modern society’ of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2002-2012 Member of the preparatory committee and of the board of the research program ‘The Future of the Religious Past’ of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
2009-2011 Initiator and coordinator in cooperation with prof. dr. M. Poorthuis (Tilburg School of Theology, Tilburg University), prof. dr. J. Duyndam (University of Humanistics) and prof. dr. K. McClymond (Georgia State University, USA) of the interdisciplinary NOSTER funded project ‘The Actual Fascination of Sacrifice’
2008-2011 Initiator and coordinator in cooperation with prof. dr. A. Berlis (Universität Bern) of the interdisciplinary NOSTER funded project ‘The Sacred and Everyday Life: Approaching Religion in Gender Perspective’
2005-2008 Initiator and coordinator in cooperation with prof. dr. M. de Haardt (Radboud University Nijmegen/Tilburg Universoty) of the interdisciplinary NOSTER funded project ‘The Boundaries of Western Monotheism’